Production of many products offered Melvit begins on cultivated fields from the Melvit’s Farm area covering more than 3,000 hectares. The farm is cultivated many varieties of cereals, they represent the largest part of oats, spelled and barley.

Grains of all cereals go to the Grain Processing Plant Melvit, where they undergo treatment in the most modern groats and flakes processing plant, the entire production process takes place in a closed circuit, thanks to which the product is separated from external factors to close in the packaging, which reduces the risk of entering pollution, that’s why our products can compete with global leaders.


As the largest producer of groats and flakes in Poland, we have a sales offer specifically tailored to the needs of business customers. We offer individual solutions for all kinds of businesses. We offer this cereal: roasted buckwheat, white buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, millet, oat, spelled, and manna, 12 kinds of flakes with different cereals, bran and flour. At the special request of our clients, we prepare various types of cereal mixes. These products are available in packs of several dozen kilograms, big-bag type and sold loose.

We would love to get in business especially with meat processing plants, bakeries, dairies and other food producers for whom the quality of the product is important in the process of selecting suppliers.


Thanks to many years of experience in the production and sale of cereal products, we know how to create the highest quality product with the best health-promoting products chosen by consumers. Therefore, to meet the needs of our business clients, we also deliver products in our own brands, offering support throughout the private label preparation process.

Please contact our B2B Department 

Karolina Bednarczyk
Sales Specialist B2B
tel. +48 29 760 98 41